On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 5:02 PM, Bill Freeman <ke1g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll be that you can have a private site-packages directory, or whatever
> you want to call it, which you can add to sys.path.  You can manipulate
> sys.path in your manage.py, but if you don't need to override basic
> django stuff that is imported before settings.py is read, you could do
> the manipulation in settings.py.  You will want to insert it at/near the
> beginning of sys.path, so that if the system and you have versions
> of the same file, you will get yours.
> (I'm not sure what you need to do for mod_wsgi if you make the
> changes in manage.py.)
> Making easy_install or pip install to a private site-packages directory
> is possible, but I'll have to refer you to the documentation for that.

Well, you could mess around with that stuff manually yourself, or you
can use virtualenv, like the rest of the python world.

It's as easy as:

cd folder_above_my_project
virtualenv environ
. ./activate
pip install some_pkg # or easy_install (but pip is _much_ better)
python project/manage.py <do_stuff>

No messing with sys.path, no messing with launch scripts. To use it
with mod_wsgi, at its simplest you can set:
WSGIPythonHome /path/to/folder_above_my_project/environ

Theres much more you can do with mod_wsgi/virtualenv - more details:



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