I'm having a silly issue with the admin interface and an ImageField in
one of my models.  A simple model I have contains an ImageField, and
many objects of this model are related to some other model (Project,
not shown).  I can add/view images just fine, but when I try to delete
an image, I get a value error saying:

"ValueError at /admin/projects/project/1/
The 'image' attribute has no file associated with it."

The entry correctly deletes from my DB (on successive loads of the
admin page, I no longer see the entry), the file does not delete from
my directory however, and this error pops up.  Any thoughts on why?

I have tried with & without my custom delete function, with the same
results.  Help would be appreciated, thanks.


# ProjectImage Model
def get_project_image_path(instance, filename):
   return os.path.join('projects', instance.project.name_slug,

class ProjectImage(models.Model):
   project = models.ForeignKey(Project, verbose_name='project',
help_text='The project that this image is related to.')
   image = models.ImageField(upload_to=get_project_image_path)
   description = models.CharField(max_length=128, help_text='The image
description is a small text blurb used to help readers identify what
they\'re looking at when viewing an image.', blank=True)

   class Meta:
      verbose_name='project image'
      verbose_name_plural='project images'

   def __unicode__(self):
      return self.image.path

   def delete(self):
      super(ProjectImage, self).delete()

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