Hello Thomas,

On Apr 28, 2:33 pm, Thomas Allen <thomasmal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have noticed that the first app in my INSTALLED_APPS tuple overrides
> all of the others for an ambiguous template name. "accounts" does not
> have one, but "dashboard" does, which is why I am seeing what I am
> seeing (if I place "ads" above "dashboard", the "ads" template
> precedes all others). I thought that an app's view would check its own
> templates directory before any others but I guess I was wrong...

The behavior you are seeing is described in <
>, in the "django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader" section.

> is
> there a way to override this default top-down lookup behavior? Or some
> way to specify my template with greater precision while keeping the
> "index.html" filename?

You could add a "pages" directory to your templates directory.
Something like...


And then you would do...

return render_to_response( 'pages/index.html'...


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