Using an Inline in an Admin form:
The main Form model has various text fields, and one Inline, using a
custom little form of its own.
The Inline model has an parentFK pointing to the parent Form model and
has an different FK to a large table, which is displayed as a popup
(or dropdown) menu with ALL its entries - all works perfectly :o)

I want to filter the Inline's FK popup menu (because its too large) by
the ID of the parent model instance (plus various other factors).

Working part of the Implementation:
A "populated" (i.e. already 'saved') inline has an instance, thus I
can access the parentFK from the Inline via 'self.instance.parentFK"
and filter the popup menu by filtering its queryset... again works
perfectly :o)

The Inline has 'extra: 1' set, to give me one empty extra Inline.
This empty extra however has NO instance before saving (i.e.
self.instance is None), therefore I cannot use the above technique to
get to its parent model, so I cannot filter its popup menu as before :

Horrible hack workaround:
use formfield_for_foreignkey(),
hunt for the popup field name,
grab the request.META['PATH_INFO']
regexp it and pull out the parent model ID.
finally, use the parent model ID thus acquired to filter the popup
menu queryset.

Is there no other way to access the parent Form model ID from an
unsaved, "empty" Inline?

I've spent a couple of days wading through the Admin code but can't
find anyway for an empty, "extra" Inline to know anything about the
form model it is embedded in...

Can anyone advise if there is some nifty field, attribute or function
that I am missing?

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