
Because you won't get an id for your newly created object before you
save it you'll need to send the email after you save the form. I'm
assuming that ArtistFormFinal is a ModelForm but you can get the id
using something like the following:

myobj =
send_mail(subject, "Your id is %d!" %, email_address, recipients)

I hope that's what you were looking for.


On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 11:39 PM, Nick <> wrote:
> I am working on a form process with multiple levels of submission. The
> first is a front facing form with a general set of questions that are
> to be followed up by someone after the form is submitted (the form
> submits and entry to the DB).  To cut down on the amount of hunting
> that those who will be reviewing the forms have to do I'd like to be
> able to retrieve the ID for the newly created DB entry and attach it
> to a url that points directly to that entry in the django admin.
> I have the email logic set up so that the form submits all of the
> information via email to an individual. In the email is the link to
> the admin. So far it just goes to a full list of entries:
> ex.
> I can easily send everything up to the ID. How do i retrieve the ID
> from the submitted form. Since this is adding an entry to the DB it
> has to be creating an ID somewhere.  Here is my view:
> def short_form(request):
>    if request.method == 'POST':
>        form = ArtistFormFinal(request.POST, request.FILES)
>        if form.is_valid():
>            name = form.cleaned_data['name']
>            year_created = form.cleaned_data['year_created']
>            home_city = form.cleaned_data['home_city']
>            home_state = form.cleaned_data['home_state']
>            genre = form.cleaned_data['genre']
>            email_address = form.cleaned_data['email_address']
>            phone_number = form.cleaned_data['phone_number']
>            website = form.cleaned_data['website']
>            audio = form.cleaned_data['audio_file']
>            subject = 'Static artists submission from %s' % (name)
>            message = render_to_string('static/short_email.txt', {
>                'name': name,
>                'year_created': year_created,
>                'home_city': home_city,
>                'genre': genre,
>                'home_state': home_state,
>                'email_address': email_address,
>                'phone_number': phone_number,
>                'website': website,
>                'audio': audio
>                    })
>            recipients = ['',
> '']
>            send_mail(subject, message, email_address, recipients,
> fail_silently=False)
>            return HttpResponseRedirect('thanks')
>    else:
>        form = ArtistFormFinal()
>    return render_to_response('static/artist_short.html',
> {'form':form})
> --
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