On Tue, 2006-07-11 at 15:38 +0000, plungerman wrote:
> greetings,
> i have been working on a template loader to retrieve templates from the
> database.  after integrating the loader to work with the django's
> admin, i now serve up templates from both the file system and the
> database, for both the public and admin sites.  one problem, however,
> is with templatetags that retrieve django template code from the
> database.  the root of the problem is that the templatetags use the
> Context object rather than the RequestContext object, which contains
> all of the information contained in the TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS
> tuple stored in the settings.py file.  so, for example, the auth object
> is unavailable to me, which means i cannot use a code block like:
> {% if not user.is_anonymous %}
>     logout
> {% else %}
>     login
> {% endif %}

I'm not quite sure I understand your problem. A Template object is
passed a Context instance when it is rendered. This could be an instance
of the Context class or an instance of a subclass of Context (e.g.
RequestContext). That instance is passed around within the template
whenever a context is required.

So if your template is passed a RequestContext by whatever calls it at
rendering time, you will have access to the user variable. Within
templates, when template tags are called to be rendered, I am pretty
sure we just pass in the same context instance (i.e. we don't create a
new Context-specific class).

So it sounds like your templates are not being called with a
RequestContext instance in the first place. Are they?

Note that if you are using something like render_to_response() to render
the template, you will need to call it as

render_to_response(template_name, data_dict, RequestContext(request))

in order to pass a RequestContext instance to the template ultimately,
instead of just a Context.

If the above scattershot approach to information dispersal hasn't
answered your question somehow, perhaps you could clarify a bit more
what you are actually seeing happen?

Best wishes,

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