Adrian Holovaty wrote:
> On 6/17/06, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm not convinced that it'd be a good thing to have request.POST
>> evaluate to True in these cases, but the reasoning is somewhat
>> pedantic.
>> First and foremost, there's a logical difference between the request
>> method and the request parameters, so it makes sense that a test for
>> the method could evaluate to True while a test for the parameters
>> could evaluate to False.
>> Second, since request.POST is supposed to be a "dictionary-like"
>> object, this would be unintuitive and, dare I say, "magical" behavior
>> -- an empty dictionary is False.
> I agree 100% with James on this one. Having request.POST be an empty
> dictionary evaluating to True -- that's just too odd. I think we ought
> to bite the bullet and add request.method, which would be a shortcut
> to a normalized (all caps?) version of request.META['REQUEST_METHOD'],
> which is cumbersome to type and might not (?) always be upper case.

i think the problem here is that we're mixing two things:

1. the method
2. the sent data

for GET requests it's simple, because the sent data is in the 
querystring, so for GET requests the GET dictionary will contain the 
relevant data.

but a POST request is more complicated. here you can do something like:

<form action=""; method="post">
<input type="text" name="first" value="1st"/>
<input type="text" name="second" value ="2nd"/>
<input type="submit" name="submit">

and django will get (correctly):

POST <MultiValueDict: {'second': ['2nd'], 'submit': ['Submit'], 'first': 

GET <MultiValueDict: {'query': ['string']}>

and i think that people usually want do differentiate between GET and 
POST requests, not GET and POST data.

so i'm also for request.method. maybe even is_get() and is_post(). i 
understand that even currently you can do it with 
request.META['REQUEST_METHOD'], but it's too long and ugly. and because 
of that it does not look like the recommended approach.


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