On 6/14/06, plungerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> that is precisely what i would like to do.  how you access a
> variable defined in settings.py from a template tho?  i have
> not been able to track this bit down.

Here's what I have.

in settings.py:
APP_BASE = "http://www.mysite.org/";

in templatetags directory, somewhere on django's path, is a file sitevars.py
from django import template
from django.conf import settings

register = template.Library()

def site_base():
       return settings.APP_BASE

some other utility stuff...

in any template, I can use:
{% load sitevars %}
<a href="{% site_base %}....">

Custom tags are ridiculously easy with simple_tag and inclusion_tag.

One other thing I picked up in this group, is to use a
local_settings.py for stuff like this that will be different for
development, test, production servers.
You just import it into your settings.py, then you can have different
base URIs for each environment.


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