my 2c's

I'd like django to pick a ajax toolkit and use it. (i don't care  
which one it chooses)

Having no set standard makes it harder for people to share work, as  
app ABC would use toolkit X, and app DEF would use another making it  
hard to integrate other people's app/libraries into one project. (the  
same reason i'd like to see a tagging app in the contrib section)

note: there is nothing forcing people to use that tookit, it will  
just make it easier for a newbie coming into django with no specific  
preference to get started and get his project running faster


On 04/06/2006, at 10:34 AM, oggie rob wrote:

>> However, it would be very nice to see various people that use  
>> django a lot present the methods that they think work best with  
>> django.
> yes, this would be good in the "reference" or "solving specific
> problems" pages of documentation.
> I also think the admin interface could benefit from some AJAX,
> particularly things like autocompleting/autofiltering with the search
> function in list views, and the way raw_id_admin is used. This  
> would be
> a great way to demonstrate some options without needing it to be part
> of the core functionality.
>  -rob
> >

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