>===== Original Message From Waylan Limberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
>On 5/30/06, spacedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ground up would be my way of doing it. Lets break it down...
>> You need an 'update' view that only shows the fields you want changing.
>> That means a custom manipulator that only mentions the fields you want
>> to modify. Protect this view by making sure the logged-in user is the
>> user mentioned in the URL (/edit/123 where 123 is the id in the User
>> model).
>> Then write a template that shows the form that this manipulator is
>> controlling.
>> As for the 'approval', well, add a field 'Approved' to your user data.
>> When the form is posted back, set it to False.
>Just remember that the initial data will no longer be available for
>display until approval or if the admin wants to revert to it. Perhaps
>you will need two tables, one of approved data and one of unapproved
>data. Upon approval the data would be copied over the record in the
>approved table. That could get ugly though.

I'd probably have a separate table with the changes and a version number, and 
an approved field.  Then I could just show the info with the the highest 
version number that has been approved.

Funny thing is, I know how I'd do it in php.  I'm new to Django and I was 
hoping to turn this into a learning experience.  Learning how the auth system 
works, especially.  That really seems to be my problem, I think.

Thanks, everyone.

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