On 31/05/06, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 01/06/2006, at 3:30 AM, Bryan Murdock wrote:
> >
> > Just an aside in response to the request that the blog writers all get
> > together and not waste resources, take a look at the code they are
> > writing.  Actually, take a look at the code they are not writing.  A
> > basic django blog app can be done using generic views and very little
> > code (see the djangoproject.com code, or read [1]).  The unified
> > Django blogging app is little more than a collection of generic views.
> >  The reason you see 3 or 4 (or more) different blogging apps is
> > because people like to customize a little.  It's the same thing you
> > see with wordpress and all its plugins.  Sure, a good number of people
> > just use the basic default wordpress, but after a while everyone
> > starts to customize at least a little.  Doing it with Django just lets
> > you customize with clean, organized python code, instead of, well,
> > PHP.
> Hi Bryan.
> while I do agree that django is easy to use, I'm trying to take the
> user point of view.
> What we have got (IMHO) is 3-4 blogs which don't have many features
> when compared
> to wordpress or typo, and as such a user (or future developer)
> wouldn't be interesting in installing them
> and choose something else.
> if you combined I can imagine you would integrate features like
> - askimet spam tracking
> - auto tagging from tagthe.net
> - pingbacks
> - themeing
> - multi-user support
> - captcha of some sort
> and so on.
> so I see a blogging app more as a opportunity to lure more developers
> into the django community, than a learning exercise for a developer
> (which of course is also a great reason to build one in itself)
> regards
> Ian
> >
> > Bryan
> >
> > 1. http://www2.jeffcroft.com/2006/may/02/django-non-programmers/
> >
> > >
> >

This is why we need some sort of repository of django apps. A
Djangoforge if you will. Wasn't that one of the SOC projects? is it
being done? Are there plans? Something like that would be a great
magnet and would help people co-ordinate and remove redundancy.

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