Hi all,
 I am Giovanni Giorgi from Italy.
I am a 32-years-old Software Architect, working every day with java
stuff and so on (hibernate is a framework I use every day).

In my spare time I am a SmallTalk fan, a python admirer, a ruby lover
and a Perl-scared-boy :)

After trying Ruby on rails and turbo gears, a friend of mine pointed me
to Django.
So I started trying it yesterday and... it is a dream!
Django is very very well written.

It is more simpler then RubyOnRails and my only problem was compiling
SQLite  :-)

I like the admin interface, because building an admin interface is a
very annoying thing and with RubyOnRails is the first thing you 'd care
about (and then debug :)

Django is very focused on giving to the programmer a very small set of
files to work with, a very concise model description and a dichiarative
approach even to view manipulators (like
django.views.generic.list_detail.object_list and so on)

The django documentation is very compact and good to read.
I am building for free a small book-manager, for keeping record of
book-checkouts and so on.
When it will be usable I plan to publish it on my SF project page

Thank you for building django!
Giovanni Giorgi

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From: "Giovanni Giorgi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Django users" <django-users@googlegroups.com>
Subject: A small intro to myself :)
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Hi all,
 I am Giovanni Giorgi from Italy.
I am a 32-years-old Software Architect, working every day with java
stuff and so on (hibernate is a framework I use every day).

In my spare time I am a SmallTalk fan, a python admirer, a ruby lover
and a Perl-scared-boy :)

After trying Ruby on rails and turbo gears, a friend of mine pointed me
to Django.
So I started trying it yesterday and... it is a dream!
Django is very very well written.

It is more simpler then RubyOnRails and my only problem was compiling
SQLite  :-)

I like the admin interface, because building an admin interface is a
very annoying thing and with RubyOnRails is the first thing you 'd care
about (and then debug :)

Django is very focused on giving to the programmer a very small set of
files to work with, a very concise model description and a dichiarative
approach even to view manipulators (like
django.views.generic.list_detail.object_list and so on)

The django documentation is very compact and good to read.
I am building for free a small book-manager, for keeping record of
book-checkouts and so on.
When it will be usable I plan to publish it on my SF project page

Thank you for building django!
Giovanni Giorgi

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