nevroe wrote:
> Eugene -- can you point me to any examples of subviews?  In my work,
> I've ended up implementing hacky custom tags, where I take an object,
> and essentially use the custom tag to, in the templatetag code, call
> another view and load the other view.

There is nothing magical about it --- a plain Jane functional 
decomposition. Below is the sketch, which is derived from the actual code.

1) The subview (note that I use this term loosely):

def subview(context, ...other_parameters...):
     # just like a template tag, I take 'context' instead of 'request'
     some code here loading objects
     # actual rendering
     t = loader.get_template('subview_template.html')
     output = ''
     # preserve the state of the context
         # add local parameters
         context['param1']  = param1
         context['param2']  = param2
         context['param3']  = param3
         context['param4']  = param4
         context['param5']  = param5
         # ready to render
         output = t.render(context)
         # pop local stuff out
     # I return a string instead of HttpResponse
     return output

2) The main view, which assembles subviews:

def main_view(request, ...other_parameters...):
     context = RequestContext(request)
     dictionary = {}
     some code here preparing parameters
     # conditional rendering of a subview
     output = '<emph>empty</empth>'
     if some_criteria():
         # in some case I context.push() here,
         # and add subview-specific parameters
         output = subview(context, ...other_parameters...)
         # if I pushed before, I context.pop() here
         # use try/finally for that (see subview code)
     dictionary['item1'] = output
     more code, calculation of other subviews filling dictionary
     return render_to_response('main_template.html', dictionary, 

3) The main template:

...html crud...
<!-- Here we'll insert our item1 -->
{{ item1 }}
...more html crud...

4) That's all!

In my code I have separate subviews responsible for generation of 
required visual blocks. They are reused by other views, which share 
these blocks. A main view is reduce to a simple assembler of required 
pieces + its own view-specific content. Subviews use moderately complex 
templates. A main view usually uses a simplified template without much 
logic in it, and I think this is the Good Thing (tm).

Another consideration was a performance. I don't call subviews, if I 
don't need to. Using template tags I precalculated required parameters 
and passed them down even if it was decided later not to generate this 
part in the template. It increased the complexity and wasted resources. 
So I decided to move all complex, conditional (or shared), and 
computationally expensive operations in subviews. The results of 
subviews can be independently cached, if required to improve the 



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