I tend to:

  - Update tables that have changed (usually adding a column).
  - Write & run a python script to move data around as appropriate. It's 
usually very easy with the django db api.
  - Release your new code and bounce the server.

  The advantages compared to the full dump / massage / load approach are:
  - You don't need to stop your site to do this.
  - Because you're only touching the bits you need to, it's less scary :-)


ZebZiggle wrote:
> Hey!
> What do most users do for upgrading production databases?
> I have an upgrade I'd like to make to my game, but it will require
> model changes.
> I could:
> 1. export the whole database, drop the tables, load the new schema,
> import the database
> 2. update just the tables that changed
> either way, I'll have to run a "fix-up" script to put meaningful values
> in the new fields. 
> What do most people do?
> Thx,
> Sandy
> > 

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