My test results. I installed
mysql-standard-5.0.20-linux-x86_64-glibc23. Created a completely new
database and restored a backup from my 'old' django database into the
newly created MySql 5 instance.

Restarted Apache and everthing was up and running again. Great!

I checked with SHOW variables LIKE '%cache\_%'; the current settings.
query_cache_size was zero. So, I set it to: set global query_cache_size
= 20000000;

Then I browsed my website and watched this query: SHOW GLOBAL STATUS
LIKE 'Qcache\_%';

And now the Qcache_hits does increase. Great!

mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'Qcache\_%';
| Variable_name           | Value    |
| Qcache_free_blocks      | 1        |
| Qcache_free_memory      | 18626072 |
| Qcache_hits             | 5774     |
| Qcache_inserts          | 679      |
| Qcache_lowmem_prunes    | 0        |
| Qcache_not_cached       | 7        |
| Qcache_queries_in_cache | 641      |
| Qcache_total_blocks     | 1293     |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

So, it seems that the best thing to do to make use of the query cache
of MySQL is to use MySQL 5.0.

I want to thank everybody for helping me.


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