On 3/25/06, coulix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i got it working :
> def _module_get_top_users(limit):
>                 cursor = db.cursor()
>                 cursor.execute("""
>                         SELECT auth_users.username, COUNT(*) AS count
>                         FROM auth_users, recettes_recipes
>                         WHERE auth_users.id=recettes_recipes.owner_id
>                         GROUP BY username
>                         ORDER BY count DESC
>                         LIMIT %s
>                          """% limit)
>                 res = cursor.fetchall()
>                 return res

Actually, you should let .execute() do parameter substitution:

def _module_get_top_users(limit):
                cursor = db.cursor()
                        SELECT auth_users.username, COUNT(*) AS count
                        FROM auth_users, recettes_recipes
                        WHERE auth_users.id=recettes_recipes.owner_id
                        GROUP BY username
                        ORDER BY count DESC
                        LIMIT %s
                         """,  (limit,))
                res = cursor.fetchall()
                return res

Although in this situation, doing your own parameter substitution
(using %) is probably not harmful.
The Pythonic Principle: Python works the way it does
because if it didn't, it wouldn't be Python.

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