I just finished up a very crude Ant "wrapper" script so that I could drive builds and tests (mostly tests, as ther isn't much to compile) from CruiseControl. It's a pretty simple setup, but I recommend it for really any sized team.

I snagged the 2.4.1 release of Cruisecontrol, which pretty much "works right out of the box".

For the curious and benefit of others:

I'm not satisfied with the PYTHONPATH and DJANGO_PROJECT_SETTINGS environment variable setups, but it's functioning and running all the tests as we build them and add to our codebase.

<project name="webcode" default="all">
<target name="all" depends="test" />
<target name="baseline">
<exec executable="/bin/bash" failonerror="true">
<arg value="baselineBuild.bash"/>
<target name="test" depends="baseline">
<exec executable="python" failonerror="true">
<env key="DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE" value="webcode.settings"/>
<env key="PYTHONPATH" path="${ env.PYTHONPATH}:/Users/heckj/Desktop/cruisecontrol-bin-2.4.1/projects" />
<arg value="test.py"/>

which uses two scripts: baselineBuild.bash and envBuild.bash

rm /tmp/"$PROJECT"DB
django-admin.py init
django-admin.py install edmonds
django-admin.py install admin
django-admin.py createsuperuser root my_email_address my_sekret_password
python manage.py sqlindexes edmonds > index_creates
cat index_creates | sqlite3 /tmp/"$PROJECT"DB
rm index_creates # clean up after myself...

# intial data loading...
python initial_data_load.py
python example_data_load.py

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