With trunk, I dealt with this by changing admin/base_site.html
Just overide the userlinks block

I found the relative links annoyingly limiting so I changed them to
absolutes (I mean absolute according to the base directory - I didn't
have any server info in them) by way of a decorator & the settings

in templates/admin/base_site.html:
{% block userlinks %}
<span class="hl-info">
<a href="{% baseurl %}/password_change/">{% trans 'Change password'
%}</a> / <a href="{% baseurl %}/logout/">{% trans 'Log out' %}</a>
{% endblock %}

In my models/__init__.py file (note that this is not python 2.3
def baseurl():
    if hasattr(settings, 'BASE_URL_PREFIX'):
        return '/' + settings.BASE_URL_PREFIX
    return ''

In my settings.py file:
# web server prefix


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