Hi Todd,

I hadn't realized that the command would take over Eclipse, which is not
what you want in case of the 'runserver' command! For 'runserver' you
can perhaps define a small batchfile or shellscript, that starts
'manage.py' and that is available as a shortcut from the (windows)
start-menu or some other convenient location, to start it seperately?

There is however a flag 'run in background' which you can enable from
the tab 'common' for your external tools definitions. Perhaps this flag
helps for the 'runserver' command?



-----Original Message-----
From: django-users@googlegroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Todd O'Bryan
Sent: donderdag 16 maart 2006 10:51
To: django-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Eclipse based Django IDE???

I've just started playing with Django. I can't figure out how to run  
the necessary command-line python commands (such as "python manage.py  
runserver") from inside Eclipse. On my Mac, the command takes over  
Eclipse, I get the spinning beach ball of death, and can only halt  
the process by using top. On the PCs at school, the command seems to  
run, prints "Validating models..." to the console, and then just sits  

I've tried setting up External Tools as Tim van der Leeuw suggested,  
but I'm just not having a lot of luck. A Django plugin for Eclipse  
would be very helpful. :-)


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