On 3/11/06, Glenn Tenney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In my templates, I'd like to be able to (for example):
> Given an "object_list" of rateable things, I'd like to
> then get the "Rating" valules for the current user.
> I'm trying to figure out a good way to do this.
> I don't see any way in a template to pass an argument
> to a method.  i.e. I can do

> Is there a better way?   What am I missing?????

One of the design goals of the Django templates is to force the
separation of view logic from the template. To this end, there are
deliberately very few mechanisms for computation or method calls in
Django templates.

If you feel a need to make a method call with arguments, this suggests
that there is some form of logic operation that should be merged into
the view, rather than the template itself.

The Django way would be to evaluate the method in the view, and pass
the result to the template as part of the context. In your case, build
up a dict:

ratings = dict(zip(object_list, [obj.rating(who__id=user) for obj in

and pass that map, plus the object_list and user as part of the
context object to the template.

Then, in the template, you can iterate over the object_list or the
dictionary; dictionary lookup is supported in templates; {%
ratings.obj %} will expand as ratings[obj]

Why do it this way? Well, if you every decide to change how ratings
are found, you don't have to change the template - you just have to
change the mechanism by which ratings are determined in the view.

Russ Magee %-)

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