> I'm learning django these days. and urls.py is as follow:
>     ...
>     (r'^hello/$', 'web.hello.index'),
>     (r'^test/$', 'web.test.index'),
>     ...
> it looks complicated, can it be much simpler, even only one line?  And
> it can do the follow things?:
> e.g. a) when access http://localhost/test, I means to call  TEST's
> index;
>     b) when access http://localhost/test/hello, I means to call TEST's
> hello.

Hey there,

The callbacks ('web.hello.index' and 'web.test.index', in your
example) can be any callable Python object, so you could create some
sort of special callable object that does that. Here's a sample
callable class:

    class Foo:
        def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            return HttpResponse("Hello world.")

    foo_instance = Foo()

If the above code lives in path/to/bar.py, you'd put
"path.to.bar.foo_instance" in your URLconf.


Adrian Holovaty
holovaty.com | djangoproject.com | chicagocrime.org

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