On 2/13/06, Siah <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:


I am aware that there is a ticket for it:

I was wondering if the wrapper was small enough that can be squeezed by
in version 9.2 or anytime soon as I am in desperate need to use it.
Specifically, to separate cheap data from expensive data.

As far as I am aware, multiple database support is unlikely to make v0.92.

Whilst it is highly desirable, multiple database support is not an essential feature for most users. The current development focus is to get the magic-removal changes finalized and rolled out into the wild. After v0.92, I believe the target is stabilization for a v1.0 release. If I had to guess, I would say multiple database support is unlikely to happen until after v1.0.

That said, multiple database support has been the subject of occasional discussion on the django-developer mailing list (usually in the context of talk about multiple managers). If someone were to take ownership of this problem and deliver a fully functioning solution, it would probably be looked upon favourably. However, the problem is not simple, and finding a solution that is acceptable to the development team will not be a trivial task.

Russ Magee %-)

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