On Wednesday 01 February 2006 09:10, Bram de Jong - MTG wrote:

> Now, I have some questions about caching. Here goes:
> 1. how does one cache websites (with django) that have personalized
> views for the users? I.e. there's lot's of thing like
> if(user has voted for this item)
>     display "hello <username> you voted <user_vote>/10 for this item"
> else
>     display voting dropdown

If you use the SessionMiddleware, it automatically adds a 'Vary' header 
for the 'Cookie' HTTP header.  This does 2 things - internally it uses 
the session cookie as part of the cache key (so different sessions 
effectively get there own cache) and also tells other web caches that 
the content varies depending on the cookie i.e. instructs them to do 
the same thing.  So basically, this is handled for you if you use that 

> 2. does django automatically invalidate caches when objects,
> displayed in the cached page, are changed? I.e. say a person votes
> and you want to display the page with his new vote on it. This means
> I should invalidate the cached page. Does django help me with this in
> any way, or should it be done by the coder.

No, it doesn't invalidate the cache, since it can't work out whether 
what has changed will affect the output of the page (at least, not 
without introducing a lot of overhead and tight coupling between the 
template system and the ORM).  

However, it never caches for POST requests, and only POST requests 
should have side effects.  So for adding a vote, you should use a POST 
request and this will always return a fresh page, so this example 
should work out fine.


I never hated a man enough to give him his diamonds back. (Zsa Zsa 

Luke Plant || L.Plant.98 (at) cantab.net || http://lukeplant.me.uk/

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