That's cool.  Did you put this on the wiki?


On 1/31/06, tonemcd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's what I've found...
> Start with the very useful tutorial at
> - in general it's
> very helpful, but there are some small gaps in the documentation, which
> would certainly have helped me
> #1: I'd emphasize that this document
> (, will help
> djangonauts get a lot of the adminy goodness into their own apps. Big
> win to the django team.
> #2: The date and time javascript widgets are what I wanted most of all.
> It would be handy if the example model included a DateTime field.
> Here's what I have;
>     startdate = meta.DateTimeField(db_column='start_date')  # there
> were too many underscores, I wanted to keep it simple!!
> This is represented in the form template like this;
>         <div class="form-row">
>             <label for="id_startdate_date">Start Date:</label>
>             <p class="datetime">
>                 {{ form.startdate_date }} {{ form.startdate_time }}
> <br/>
>             </p>
>             {% if form.startdate.errors %}*** {{
> form.startdate.errors|join:", " }}{% endif %} <br/>
>         </div>
> The big thing here is that the field 'startdate' is expanded out in the
> form, _date and _time are made available (this may have been where I
> went wrong, my initial attempt had {{ form.start_date }}, but I never
> saw any content in the form).
> #3: There seems to be an error in the code for loading up an edit_form.
> The example document has this;
>     if request.POST:
>         new_data = request.POST.copy()
>         errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
>         if not errors:
>             manipulator.do_html2python(new_data)
>             # Do a post-after-redirect so that reload works, etc.
>             return HttpResponseRedirect("/places/edit/%i/" %
>     else:
>         errors = {}
>         # This makes sure the form accurate represents the fields of
> the place.
>         new_data = place.__dict__
> *no way* could I get this to work, I had to do this instead
>     if request.POST:
>         new_data = request.POST.copy()
>         errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
>         if not errors:
>             manipulator.do_html2python(new_data)
>             # Do a post-after-redirect so that reload works, etc.
>             return HttpResponseRedirect("/resources/edit/%i/" %
>     else:
>         errors = {}
>         # This makes sure the form accurate represents the fields of
> the place.
>         #new_data = resource.__dict__
>         new_data = manipulator.flatten_data()
> Note that
> new_data = resource.__dict__
> is replaced with
> new_data = manipulator.flatten_data()
> Ok, nearly there, but could I get the clock and calendar widgets? Nope
> - I used Xylescope to check on the CSS, I used alerts in the Javascript
> etc. etc. and then I found it was stopping on gettext... Some
> additional digging provided this jewel; i18n.txt in the docs.
> Add this;
>     (r'^jsi18n/$', 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog', {'packages':
> 'django.conf'}),
> to your for your application, make sure that your header HTML
> looks *something* like this;
> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../jsi18n/"></script>
> <script type="text/javascript" src="/media/js/core.js"></script><script
> type="text/javascript"
> src="/media/js/admin/RelatedObjectLookups.js"></script><script
> type="text/javascript" src="/media/js/calendar.js"></script><script
> type="text/javascript"
> src="/media/js/admin/DateTimeShortcuts.js"></script>
> And Bob's your Uncle, Fannys your Aunt (ie the javascript widgets
> work).
> Hope this helps ;)
> Cheers,
> Tone

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