Dear Hugo and other folks,
I'm working on a django based app that I'd like to combine text search
together with tag search. For instance, module storys is tagged with
hugo's abstract tagging library, and when I get the search string, I
want to do an "OR" search to return storyies that either the
title/summary match the string, or the stories is tagged with one of
the search keywords.

I assume I could have my own search definitions and define a
get_id_list there, do both the text search and the tag search, and
return the combined results. My only complain is that what I got passed
into get_id_list (lookup_kwargs) is already "manipulated" into a deep

I guess I could reverse engineer it and get the keywords out of that
dictionary, but I'm just wondering if there is a more "proper" way to
do it... 

Many thanks in advance! 


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