I checked the output of our web app. The problem seems to be connected
with DB settings. The output says that

raise ImproperlyConfigured, "Could not load database backend: %s. Is
your DATABASE_ENGINE setting (currently, %r) spelled correctly?
Available options are: %s" % \
   24         (exc, DATABASE_ENGINE, ", ".join(map(repr,

Please check:
- your DB settings in settings.py
- Dreamhost seems to support only MySQL, you have to consider this;
- whether you can import a database wrapper module, i.e., MySQLdb. If
not, download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python and
install it locally, somewhere in your home dir. Then, put it in your
sys.path, like you did it with django_src and django_projects.

and after each change, pkill python.


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