> My VirtualHost config look now like this:
> <VirtualHost GoodCompany:80>
>   ServerName GoodCompany

I don't think you want this:

>   DocumentRoot "/work/django/GoodCompany"
>   <Directory "/work/django/GoodCompany">
>     allow from all
>     Options All
>   </Directory>

I'm pretty sure you don't want your web server serving up the python
files from your django application.

>   <Location "/">
>     SetHandler mod_python
>     PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
>     PythonPath sys.path+['/work/django']
>     SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE GoodCompany.settings
>     PythonDebug On
>   </Location>

The above looks ok.  I have 'SetHandler python-program', I think which
one you use depends on your version of mod_python.  You might google
further on that one.

>   <Location "/media/">
>     SetHandler None
>   </Location>
> </VirtualHost>

That looks fine.

> I put 'GoodCompany' instead of 'goodcompany' in ServerName and
> DocumentRoot directives. Also, I commented #(r'^admin/',
> include('django.contrib.admin.urls.admin')), in urls.py. The site

Again, don't point your DocumentRoot at your django app.  I have it
still pointing to my old document root where some old, dare I mention
it, php files are sitting now unused.

You should make sure the admin urls are *un* commented.


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