PythonistL wrote:
Hello James,

I assume it was not a private letter.

do you use their service at present?

I am hosted with DreamHost:

I followed the instructions at
but that did not work for me

It worked for me. Did you followed them precisely?

So I tried this script from the troubleshooting part there
from fcgi import WSGIServer
def test_app(environ, start_response):
    start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
    yield 'Hello, world!\n'

but it did not work either.

Works for me. It looks like you don't have FastCGI enabled.

1) Go there:
2) Section #1 (Prerequisites), instruction #1: "FastCGI must be enabled".
3) Go to DreamHost Control Panel (Domains / Manage Domains), click on "edit" for your domain, and enable FastCGI.

Can you please let me know if that  script works for you?

It does.



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