2005/12/27, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 12/26/05, limodou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I suggest that there may be a admin command just like: django-admin.py
> > reinstall app
> > to do the things like: django-admin.py sqlreset appname | psql dbname
> >
> > I think this will be helpful in developing period.
> I'd be against it, just because I don't think there should ever be an
> automated script that blows away an existing DB. And as for speed,
> well, most of the time when I'm developing like that and changing
> models a lot I just use sqlite and delete the DB file when I update
> the model, then recreate it quickly with django-admin.py or manage.py.
> Just as easy that way.

May be sqlite can do like that, but other databases can not just
remove the database file. And this appoach will destroy all the
tables, but what I want may be just a single app, not the whole
project. So if there is not a "reinstall"(or reinstallapp) command I
still need to run something like: django-admin.py sqlreset appname |
psql dbname

What you said just suit for some situation.

I like python!
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