
  I'm having a problem trying to convert something that works great on
the python interpreter into the model.

  I need to set a property of a model before it is saved. This propery
is dependent on the primary key (serial) of the record.  I tried first
to do it using _post_save() but the id value was 'None'. So when I put
it _pre_save() I need to get the next id in the sequence.  At the
python prompt, I can get the current max id using:

>>> from django.models.backend import workorders
>>> workorders.get_values(fields=['id'])[-1:][0]['id']

 I need to get the same number in the model, which I tried using:

 def _pre_save(self):
                lastid = self.get_values(fields=['id'])[-1:][0]['id']
                self.wonum = 'WO-'+lastid+1

 I get the following error. 'WorkOrder' object has not attribute
'get_values'.  Any ideas?


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