Hi All, I'm back around to working out how to best implement related items, since you can't manytomany join onto self I plan to do a calculation and cache the result.
What I would like to do is to have a post (eg. a blog post) object and then be able to have something like the following in my template: {% for related in post.getRelated %} ........ where getRelated is a method of the actual post model which returns a list of related posts. Setting this up isn't a problem and doing the calculations isn't a problem, though where I'm stuck is how can I get a list of posts from within a post object, if I was anywhere else I would call something like posts.get_list(...), though clearly this won't work from within an object that is trying to get a list of itselfs (great english eh ;) I've tried self.get_list though obviously it doesn't exist. Any help appreciated.