NewEdit is a Python Editor base on wxPython. I'm learning django recently, and I'm beginning develop some extension about django in NewEdit. The process is continuing. I'v finished something like these:
* django project wizard(need install it) -- you can create a django project directory in NewEdit. This function will invoke " startproj myproj" command, and also create run.bat and run file, these files will set PYTHONPATH and DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable. So you can run them before running the * django project plugin(need choice it) -- you can create a django app under a django project directory. This function will invoke " startapp myapp" command. This function is combined with directory browser, so you need open directory browser first(press F2). * auto extend function(need download it) -- Just a test template. I'v finished .html extension. So as you editing html file in django project, once you press some key, NewEdit will auto extend it. For example: as you entering "{%", once you press space key, NewEdit will popup a list including "extends, comment, for, ..." etc. I'm sorry for my English. But I hope it will be useful for developing django. In order to express the meaning more clearly, I'll make a flash tutorial about this as soon as I can. But the function is still developing, if you have good ideas, you can email a letter. BTW, you can also using NewEdit to save some code snippets, and you can apply them as editing. NewEdit project: SVN: (recommend) -- I like python! My Blog: NewEdit Maillist: