>Thanx for the link!!! However, it seems like I cannot search across >different models.... even if they have the same attributes that I want >to search.
My abstract searching stuff (Ian gave the link) does allow searching over different models - you just add multiple search definitions. The models even don't need to have the same fields, as you can describe what fields to use in every search definition. A sample search definition file for a larger project is in the SVN repository of my CMS project: https://simon.bofh.ms/cgi-bin/trac-django-projects.cgi/file/cms/trunk/apps/cms/search.py It should work with Django trunk, as it doesn't have any translations. But it might be that some i18n-related dependency crept in, I mostly run projects from the i18n branch. And documentatin is a bit sparse currently, you are mostly down to reading the comments and docstrings and the bit on the wiki (and digging through the CmsProject source should help, too). bye, Georg