[Rock] > (I read up on tag libraries and the docs say that the admin tool can be > used to browse through the available tags, filters, models, views. > Neat! But my version of admin seems to have nothing like the "built-in > reference" that is discussed. What needs to be done to activate this > functionality in my admin app? I am using a post-Oct.18 version of > Django in case that makes a difference.)
I couldn't find this either, but it turned out that the only problem was there's no link to it in the Admin site. If your Admin URL is http://localhost:8000/djadmin/ then the documentation URL is http://localhost:8000/djadmin/doc/ The only thing you might need to do is install docutils - the documentation page will tell you about that if it's not installed. I modified my admin base_site.html template to include a link to the documentation. (Is there really not one in there by default, or did I miss it?) -- Richie