2005/10/24, Carlo C8E Miron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > A quick investigation > > 5)15:05:20 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/django/svn/django/trunk/django > 0$ grep -R "class[^(]*:" $(find . -name "*.py")|grep -v \.svn|wc -l > 100 > > seems to reveal that there are only 100 old style classes on [1006].
A little less quick investigation ;) 0$ grep "^[[:space:]]*class[^(]*:" $(find . -name "*.py")|wc -l 84 reveals that the number is 84. Ant that there is only one __metaclass__ assignation in ./core/meta/__init__.py -- Carlo C8E Miron, ICQ #26429731 -- Disclaimer: If I receive a message from you, you are agreeing that: 1. I am by definition, "the intended recipient". 2. All information in the email is mine to do with as I see fit and make such financial profit, political mileage, or good joke as it lends itself to. In particular, I may quote it on USENET or the WWW. 3. I may take the contents as representing the views of your company. 4. This overrides any disclaimer or statement of confidentiality that may be included on your message.