Hey everyone,

In the application I'm writing, upon adding an 'event', it must create
a flickr photoset. Now, in order to do that, I need to login to yahoo,
which is done through a redirect from my site to yahoo and then from
yahoo back to my site with a session id. Please assist me to best
approach this problem. Should I:

1. Authenticate the user in _post_save. I don't think It makes any
sense... I guess that's a php approach which is probably wrong.

2. Authenticate the user by sending the user to Yahoo at django
administration login and keep the session token available in session
for later use at _post_save. If so,
2.1, Is it wrong to access session data from an object's save process
2.2, But then if yahoo session times out, and the user is logged in in
my session, adding an 'event' gets messed up.

3. What makes sense is when site administrator is saving an 'event'
record, from the page abstraction I forward the user to Yahoo and then
return them to another page in administration site that then when
authenticated creates the photoset. The only problem with this system
is, I have no idea how to do it, and I could appreciate some pointers.

Thank you in advance for your help,

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