On 9/29/05, Andreas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just out of curiosity: Is there a reason for KUSports using a PHP
> message board? Is Django not appropriate for this kind of web
> application or was it just easier to use an existing solution instead
> of coding a message board from scratch?

Heh, KUsports.com has used that PHP message board for *years*, and we
just haven't had the time (or inclination, really) to convert it to
Django. There's no technical reason why it couldn't use Django --
indeed, Django is very good at forum-style stuff. Message boards on
the other World Online sites are indeed using Django:
http://www.lawrence.com/forums/ and http://www2.lawrence.com/forums/


Adrian Holovaty
holovaty.com | djangoproject.com | chicagocrime.org

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