I have two classes: <code> class State(meta.Model): state=meta.CharField(maxlength=128) def __repr__(self): return self.state
class Asset(meta.Model): definition=meta.ForeignKey(AssetDefinition) state=meta.ForeignKey(AssetState,null=True,blank=True) def __repr__(self): return self.get_definition().__repr__() The table "states" has several entries, including one with the value "New". I'd like to make any Asset created have that State by default. Is that possible? I've tried this as an alternative in the model definition in class Asset()...: state=meta.ForeignKey(AssetState,null=True,blank=True,default="New") and I've tried adding this method to class Asset() def _pre_save(self): if self.state_id is None: self.newstate=assetstates.get_object(state__iexact="New") Neither worked. The first didn't complain, but it didn't set the default value either. The second compained that it couldn't recognise assetstates. Is this possible? Rachel