Hello Jakub,

Thanks for the reply.

Jakub Labath wrote:
> Are you familiar with any sort of database? (think of RDBMS as if it
> was fancy version of Excel). The django itself doesn't force you to
> know anything about SQL. Perhaps the only exception is that you will
> need to know how to create and delete databases in
> (postgresql/mysql/sqllite/whichever you use). With this in mind
> perhaps http://www.sqlite.org/ might be a good choice for you.

I have developed with simple databases and have used spreadsheets
extensively. I have no problem installing, setting up and creating a DB
with PostgreSQL.

> One small tip - don't let the terms like Foreign Keys, Indexes, and
> Transactions scare you.
> If you don't know what it is, it is very likely that you don't need it. :-)

I am familiar with and understand the above terms. I have gone half way
thru the Practical SQL Handbook. I just wanted to make sure I didn't
have to finish Joe Celko, and C.J. Date before proceeding. :)

I am not a DBA and am not familiar with the gotchas and where SQL bites
you. So I was kindof feeling out Django and its learning curve with
regard to SQL and RDBMS before testing it out further.

Right now I am exploring my options. Django looks good. Very impressive.
I have no doubts as to its capabilities. I am not yet sure if it is the
best match for me. ie: the best tool to enable me.

Primarily I am a Smalltalk guy. (Squeak)

Thanks for your help and the information.


> On 9/7/05, Jimmie Houchin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I am exploring Django and Rails.
>>I am familiar with Python but not so much Ruby.
>>I have no experience with RDBMS outside of starting the Practical SQL book.
>>How much SQL and RDBMS do I have to know, understand, have mastered, to
>>start out with Django, to fully develop a website with Django to master
>>Any help greatly appreciated

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