Following up on my original question, now I've read a bit more about
it, the answer is of course to just use the admin interface. :-)

If you run adminindex <app>, it will auto-generate a
copy of the guts of the index page needed to display the admin
interface. You can copy that into your template directory to over-ride
the inbuilt one, as described in

Then you can modify that as you wish...


On 04/09/05, Rachel Willmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to use the generic view mechanism to add/change/delete but I
> don't want to have to write my own form template for each page.
> I'd like it to work just like the admin interface does. Is it
> possible/sensible to hook into the admin code which seems to use
> add_stage/change_stage to automatically generate the templates? Or is
> there a better way of doing this?
> Any pointers welcome...
> Rachel

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