Long sleepless night + hacking away Django app with Dojo = wrong group. :-) 

"Eugene Lazutkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Hello,
> While AJAX is all about using Xml to transfer Asynchronously data to 
> Javascript, in many cases it's more beneficial to use JSON 
> (http://json.org) instead of XML, when transferring data from server to 
> AJAX application. Many implementations of JSON are available for different 
> languages. The easiest one is for JavaScript.
> If you have to "parse" JSON-encoded data in JavaScript, the simplest way 
> is to do it like this:
> var myVeryCoolObject = eval("(" + aJSONtext + ")");
> It means, you cannot use dojo.io.bind({ mimetype: "text/javascript" }), 
> which does automatic evaluation of JavaScript  because it would fail for 
> It would be really handy to have a shortcut for automatic "parsing" of 
> JSON and it is extremely easy to do so. Maybe some new MIME type should be 
> introduced to specify JSON type. As far as I know there is no official 
> JSON MIME type. So I propose to use "application/x-json" for now.
> Thanks,
> Eugene
> PS: Some security minded people use simple JSON parser written in 
> JavaScript to validate the input. I don't think it is a valid concern for 
> Dojo. Not after totally insecure "text/javascript" evaluation. And I like 
> it this way --- fast and simple.
> PPS: Please note that "text/javascript" and "text/ecmascript" are to 
> become officially obsolete. They are going to be replaced with 
> "application/javascript" and "application/ecmascript" respectively. Should 
> they be added as well? See details here: 
> http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-hoehrmann-script-types-03.txt

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