On Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 08:13:34PM -0500, Adrian Holovaty wrote:
> Regarding the error, you'll need to make sure your __init__.py file
> contains "myapp" in its "__all__" variable, assuming "myapp.py" is the
> name of your model module. See

The issue was resolved after making one change in file

Index: django/core/meta/__init__.py
--- django/core/meta/__init__.py        (revision 618)
+++ django/core/meta/__init__.py        (working copy)
@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@
             # contain this list:
             # [<class 'django.models.polls.Poll'>, <class 
             # Don't do this if replaces_module is set.
-            app_package.__dict__.setdefault('_MODELS', []).append(new_class)
+        app_package.__dict__.setdefault('_MODELS', []).append(new_class)
         # Cache the app label.
         opts.app_label = app_label

Extending admin interface now works, but it's configuration process is a bit
tricky, as you mentioned before. After this change I had to execute
the following to update the database:

% django-admin.py sqlreset authors | perl -p -i -e 's/(DROP TABLE.*);/$1 
CASCADE;/' | psql kultprosvet

And to create superuser from pgsql console. Thanks!

    Igor Goryachieff

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