I am writing a little assignments app for my homeschooled children where I and their mother can post assignments with a due date, etc...
My model looks like this so far: from django.models.auth import User from django.models.auth import users from django.models.auth import groups class Assignment(meta.Model): assigner = meta.ForeignKey(User, limit_choices_to={'assigner__contains': _getTeachers() }, verbose_name="user making assignment") assignee = meta.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name="user receiving assignment")#CharField(maxlength=50) assignment_title = meta.SlugField() assignment = meta.TextField() date_assigned = meta.DateField(auto_now_add=True) due_date = meta.DateField() class META: permissions = (("add_assignment","can add assignment"),) admin = meta.Admin( fields = ( ('Users', {'fields': ('assigner','assignee',)}), ('Assignment Details', {'fields': ('assignment_title','due_date','assignment',)}), ), ) The assigner and assignee currently correctly pull from users.name to fill the select; however, I would like to limit based on groups: teacher for assignee and student for assigner. I have a function: def _getTeachers(): g = groups.get_object(name__exact='teacher', select_related=True) return g.get_user_list() in assignments.py that should return all teachers and it does, from a python prompt. However, when running from the "django.admin.py runserver ..." the get_user_list is mysteriousely missing. Any direction as to why that is or if there is a better way to accomplish this? BTW, In case a developer or two are listening in, I haven't had this much fun programming in a long time. Scott Pierce