The new syntax breaks get_list() for me.  Here's an excerpt from my

class Category(meta.Model):
    name = meta.CharField("Name of Category", maxlength=255)
    user = meta.ForeignKey(User)
    feed = meta.ManyToManyField(Feed, filter_interface=meta.VERTICAL)

    class META:
        admin = meta.Admin()
    def __repr__(self):

class User(meta.Model):
    username = meta.CharField('Username',  maxlength=64, unique=True)
    password = meta.CharField('Password', maxlength=64)
    feed = meta.ManyToManyField(Feed, filter_interface=meta.VERTICAL,
                         null=True, blank=True)
    class META:
        admin = meta.Admin()
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.username
    def check_password(self,password):
        if password == self.password:
            return True
            return False

And here's what fails (in an ipython session, to demonstrate):

> In [1]: from django.models.engulf import feeds, users, articles, categorys 
> In [2]: c = categorys.get_list(user_id__exact=1)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
> /home/jmcbray/Documents/<console>
> /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/django-1.0.0-py2.3.egg/django/utils/
>  in _curried(*moreargs, **morekwargs)
>       0     return _curried
> /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/django-1.0.0-py2.3.egg/django/core/meta/
>  in function_get_list(opts, klass, **kwargs)
>    1118
>    1119 def function_get_list(opts, klass, **kwargs):
> -> 1120     return list(function_get_iterator(opts, klass, **kwargs))
>    1121
>    1122 def function_get_count(opts, **kwargs):
> /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/django-1.0.0-py2.3.egg/django/core/meta/
>  in function_get_iterator(opts, klass, **kwargs)
>    1100
>    1101     cursor = db.db.cursor()
> -> 1102     select, sql, params = function_get_sql_clause(opts, **kwargs)
>    1103     cursor.execute("SELECT " + (kwargs.get('distinct') and "DISTINCT 
> " or "") + ",".join(select) + sql, params)
>    1104     fill_cache = kwargs.get('select_related')
> /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/django-1.0.0-py2.3.egg/django/core/meta/
>  in function_get_sql_clause(opts, **kwargs)
>    1297
>    1298     # Convert the kwargs into SQL.
> -> 1299     tables2, join_where2, where2, params2, _ = 
> _parse_lookup(kwargs.items(), opts)
>    1300     tables.extend(tables2)
>    1301     where.extend(join_where2 + where2)
> /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/django-1.0.0-py2.3.egg/django/core/meta/
>  in _parse_lookup(kwarg_items, opts, table_count)
>    1287                 _throw_bad_kwarg_error(kwarg)
>    1288             except StopIteration:
> -> 1289                 continue
>    1290     return tables, join_where, where, params, table_count
>    1291
> /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/django-1.0.0-py2.3.egg/django/core/meta/
>  in _throw_bad_kwarg_error(kwarg)
>    1176 def _throw_bad_kwarg_error(kwarg):
>    1177     # Helper function to remove redundancy.
> -> 1178     raise TypeError, "got unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % kwarg
>    1179
>    1180 def _parse_lookup(kwarg_items, opts, table_count=0):
> TypeError: got unexpected keyword argument 'user_id__exact'

I've tried a few variations on the keyword argument, and can't seem to
find what it is now looking for.  I regenerated the database from the
model (sqlreset) and populated it a bit, just to make sure that wasn't
it, but no joy.  My django tree is at revision 559.  Is anyone else
seeing this?

| Jason F. McBrayer                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|  "If you wish to make Pythocles wealthy, don't give him more   |
|   money; rather, reduce his desires."            -- Epicurus   |

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