> Okay, well that was weird. Apparently you need executable permissions
> on the directory that this archive file is in.

In Unix, read permissions on a directory mean that you can look at a
directory listing, but you may or may not be able to access files
inside it. *Execute* permissions on a directory allow you to access
files inside it if you know their name. Thus r-x permissions allow you
to access any file (because you can read the directory listing to find
all the filenames), while --x permissions would allow you only to
access the names of files you know about beforehand (because, say,
they're specified in a spec somewhere). But with --x permissions, you
can't list the directory to find out what other files it contains.

Anyway, I hope that helps you understand why you had to set the
execute bit on the directory.

Robin Munn
GPG key 0xD6497014

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