On Aug 18, 2005, at 11:19 AM, David S. wrote:
Since the admin templates are auto-generated, how does any JavaScript that you
link in with the js option actually get used?

The given JS URLs are added to the document's <head>; the can use onload events to modify the page display. For example, you could highlight a field as being extra-important doing something like::

    class MyModel(meta.Model):
        fields = (
            meta.CharField("important_field", maxlength=100),
        admin = meta.Admin(
            js = ("http://example.com/js/somefile.js";,)

... and then put this in ``somefile.js``::

    addEvent(window, 'load', function() {
document.getElementById ('important_field').style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';

(``addEvent`` is defined in ``core.js`` which is included in every admin page).


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