> I'm getting an error w/ mod_python.  My configuration and the
> stacktrace are below.  Any help would be appreciated 8)
> I'm sure it's something simple.  The app runs fine w/ the django dev
> server, but won't do anything with mod_python, so I'm sure I have a
> path or something wrong.
> Thanks
> --B

What version of mod_python are you using? I'm going to hazard a guess
that it's mod_python version 2.x, with Apache 1.x. mod_python 2.x
tends to produce exactly the kind of traceback you're seeing -- some
problem with it not handling SetEnv, if I remember correctly. You'll
need to upgrade to Apache 2.x so you can use mod_python 3.x, then your
problem should go away.

Of course, you may not be able to upgrade Apache if you're in a shared
hosting environment... :-( That's when you start looking at solutions
like FastCGI. More information on various different server
arrangements is over at
http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/ServerArrangements if you're

Robin Munn
GPG key 0xD6497014

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