
I would say:
 - ask to join the Malayalam Transifex team
- if you don't get answer in the next two weeks, then try to contact the team coordinator directly - if you still don't get answer and the work seems stalled, propose a new team coordinator (you or someone you know).



Le 06. 05. 18 à 11:31, Hrishikesh K.B a écrit :

My name is Hrishikesh Bhaskaran.
I am a  volunteer at Swathanthra Malayalam Computing (https://smc.org.in).
Swathanthra Malayalam Computing (SMC) is a free software collective engaged in
development, localization, standardization and popularization of various
Free and Open Source Softwares in the Malayalam language <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malayalam>.

I use Django on a daily basis at work. Many of the Malayalam translations are poor, there are many typos. So I would like to jump in and start correcting those. In the past, I have contributed to  various FOSS project's localization efforts (Like Mozilla & GNOME)
And I'm familiar with transifex.

Please guide me where to start.

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