Sgrìobh Claude Paroz na leanas 27/03/2018 aig 09:22:
> Le 26. 03. 18 à 10:30, Vláďa Macek a écrit :
> (...)
>>> In the email you sent me, there is also a reference to the language
>>> codes. I am not sure I have completely understood what you are trying to
>>> do but please note that both languages are supported. Please note that
>>> different language codes for the same languages are used in Transifex,
>>> because they have to do with the framework each and every single
>>> customer
>>> of ours uses/prefers. So, if you are a localization manager, then you
>>> can
>>> decide which of them is ideal for your localization goals.
>>> I hope that this helps.
> This is interesting news, indeed. However, I didn't find the way to
> change locale codes in the Transifex interface as I see no gear icon
> beside teams in the list, and didn't find any hint in
> either.

I guess you will have to start new translations, copy everything over
and then have everybody in the team sign up to the new locale, then
delete the old locale. Is this important enough for spending the time it
would take?

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