On 22 March 2018 at 01:43, Vláďa Macek <tut...@sandbox.cz> wrote:

> To clarify, I was on
> https://www.transifex.com/django/django/translate/#cs/core/
> 25257942?reviewed=no
> to review messages.
> Switching between messages on the left pane (by mouse click or using
> Ctrl-down) can take 2+ seconds each, then to Review each it takes another
> 2+ secs. The delays are not stable, sometimes switching takes one second,
> still noticeable.

> For me as a user it is evident that the Transifex developers prove
> significant effort to make the app very usable with clever features.
> Although I'd wish the most frequent everyday operations are super quick. In
> best case without any synchronous AJAX requests.

Vlada, the switching between strings is noticable, but it shouldn't take 2+
seconds by any mean. Ideally it would be almost instant, and we are aiming
for that.

And hey, thank you for reporting these suggestions! We love listening to
this kind of feedback and we'll talk about them with our team. 👍


Dimitris Glezos
Founder & CEO, Transifex

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